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 All adout me and who i am

Welcome to Jenffer A. Jay's bio & art home page


Jenffer A. Jay

Jenffer Jay is a lifelong artist exploring a range of different mediums to explore her experience as a disabled trans-woman living in the Yukon. She faced many challenges due to invisible and visible disabilities and did a lot of her processing through her comics and creative process. She has spent a lot of time being put into boxes that she never felt like she belonged in. People seem to make many assumptions about her like she is able-bodied, or assuming she is man, or assuming that she doesn’t understand what they are saying due to the way that she speaks. There have been a lot of challenges that she faced within her family and within her community about her not being recognized for her talents and her skills. 

Since a young age Jenffer has always found ways to be creative and make art. She learns by taking in everything that she can, using technology and learning about it, readings books, listening and chatting with people and other ways of learning, all of which inform her art. On February, 14th, 1984 Jenffer created Miss Jay, a cartoon character that starred in her Yukon based comic strip. Creating Miss Jay is Jenffers longest continual project that she is still actively working on and is her entry point to being a comic artist and illustrator. Her latest project is apart of a body of work that explores the beauty through objects that have been discarded and aged. 


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